Monday 14 April 2014

Nano Patch Products

What is Nanotechnology?

The movement of progress

Modern technological progress is on the way to reduce overall dimensions. Simultaneously with this, a considerable increase functionality.
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This is especially pronounced in the area of ​​electronics.
Here is a simple example. If the cell phone was used only as a means of communication and not placed in a trouser pocket, but now its size decreased significantly. It easily holds the seven-year child. Now, this device serves as more than a dozen devices at the same time and each year it gets thinner.
The same thing happens in many other areas of science and technology. This is one of the causes of Nanotechnology , which are among the most promising areas of modern science.

History of Nanotechnology

Getting them to put an accidental discovery by American scientists who discovered that the carbon atoms in a laser discharge can be interconnected to form nanotubes and balls (fullerenes, or capsules) with unique properties.They were resistant to heat, light and other corrosive factors.
With the discovery of fullerenes, nanotubes and began to develop a completely new type of technology based on the use of materials having a particle size of from 1 to 100 nanometers. Hence the name with the prefix "nano" .
1 nanometer (nm) - this is one 1000000000 (billionth) of a meter, or one (1000000) millionth of a millimeter . For example, comparing the thickness of a human hair is approximately 100 000 nanometers.
It turned out that the substance may have a completely new properties, if you take a very small part of it. smaller the size, the more they peculiar to the so-called "quantum effects" that can be used for any purpose.

Global transition

The use of particulate matter such small size allows you to make the global transition. This is a quantum leap from the manipulation of matter to the manipulation of individual molecules and atoms. In fact, any chemically stable structure that can be described, and can be constructed.
This discovery is of great importance to many fields of science and technology . In the future, considering a single atom as a building block or "Circuits", it will be possible to collect any of the molecule like a child's constructor.
Already, there are technologies that are able to collect the atoms and molecules in a certain structure. In the future, it is expected the creation of separate parts so-called "nano-robots". The first useful applications of nanomachines, when they appear, it is planned in medical technology, where they can be used as biomedical instrumentation, as well as to identify and destroy cancer cells.
Currently nanotechnology seek practical ways of constructing parts of the material with predetermined characteristics.

Development of a new generation

To date, nanotechnology research in medicine focused on getting the new generation of drugs, the development of methods for drug delivery, receipt of artificial tissues, improving diagnostic methods and laboratory testing of drugs.
It is expected that using nanotechnology will create highly specific drugs, including individual (for individual patients).According to scientists from the University of Michigan, the day will come when using nano technology in human blood cells can be integrated microscopic sensors that warn of the first signs of radiation threat or developing the disease.

"Smart drugs"

Even today, with the help of nano technology derived substance of the fourth generation with desired properties . They are representatives of a new class of drugs, the so-called "smart drugs" used in very low doses and affecting only the damaged or diseased cells in the body, almost without affecting healthy.
It was found that nano particles of some materials have very good catalytic and absorptive properties.Modern developments, it is possible to achieve the interaction of engineered nano particles with nanometer-scale natural objects - proteins , nucleic acids , etc.
Thoroughly cleaned nano particles can samovystraivatsya in certain structures. This structure contains a strictly ordered nanoparticles, which are also often exhibit unusual properties. Constitute a special class of organic nano particles , both natural and artificial origin.
By combining nano particles of various materials, are certain structures that are used as containers for the transport of drugs in the body to ensure their safety and controlled release. Nanomedicines blood flow is delivered directly to the patient human body, which increases the effectiveness of treatment and reduce its side effects.

The future is now

To date, the global market of pharmaceutical nano-formed rapidly . In the coming years it will be far-reaching and high-tech - like the market of information technologies.
For research in the field of nanotechnology in the world spent more than $ 4 billion a year . According to the forecasts of the American Association "National Science Foundation" , the market for goods and services with the use of nanotechnology by 2015 will reach $ 1 trillion. in the pharmaceutical industry at that time about half of the products will be manufactured using nanotechnology. Already in 30 countries around the world have adopted national programs on nanotechnology. Developments in this area is carried out all the leading universities in the world.

The world leader

The leader in the field of nano technology are the U.S. (27% of the global market for nanotechnology).
In this country in 2000, after a long period of collecting and analyzing data about nanotechnology in different countries, was adopted by the National Nano technology Initiative. Its purpose - to support long-term research and development, leading to significant discoveries. The federal government has classified nano technology to national security.
Second place in the nano technology market belongs to Japan (over 24%), the third - Western Europe (25%) with a predominant contribution of Germany, Britain and France, the remaining 24% shared by China, Russia, South Korea, Canada and Australia.

Products of the new millennium

Nano technology is already conquering the world, and scientists and manufacturers are optimistic about the future. The possibilities of nano technology are endless.
In the scientific world of molecular technologies (nanotechnology) are, to a very little-studied subjects.Major discoveries predicted in this area, until done. However, they are used in many fields of science, technology and medicine, bringing tangible results.
The company Nano Patch ® to date, is one of the first companies that offered a product of nano technology for personal use. Through the use of the latest discoveries in this area of science, developers were able to bring a unique formula of the active ingredient.
With the help of modern technology have created a product that is far ahead of its time. It allows you to get great results in record time, completely eliminating side effects. The basic principle of the product - a delivery of nutrients to the body transdermally.  



Transdermal delivery

What is the largest organ in humans?

Since ancient times, Chinese healers were known properties of the skin, as a regulator of a variety of physiological functions. The skin is called the "central nervous system", made ​​at the periphery. This is the largest organ of man, which has many functions and is responsible for material and energy exchange with the environment.
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The skin is very complex and not well studied part of the human body. She has a close relationship with the internal organs, which is determined by the ability of skin to perform its functions. For example, in diseases of the liver yellowing skin, diseases of the cardio - vascular system of the skin becomes dry and flaky, with kidney disease, the skin under the eyes becomes thinner.
The skin is a natural barrier standing in the way of action of chemical, physical and microbial environmental factors involved in the processes of respiration, thermoregulation, the synthesis of biologically active substances, clean the body of toxins. skin also has the ability to absorb water and organic matter. Scientists say that that, if necessary, the skin can absorb up to one and a half liters of water during bathing and swimming.

The main feature is the ability to pass only a required amount of beneficial for the body elements. skin This property became the basis transdermal delivery of nutrients to the body.

Everything new is well forgotten old

Transdermal delivery of - a substance uptake through the skin. This method is widely used in folk medicine in many ancient civilizations. Another great Hippocrates (460 - 370 BC) believed that the way to health is through an aromatic bath and aromatherapy massage, applied daily.

Used for the treatment of natural aromatic oils, that is, drawing from a variety of medicinal plants. They are applied to the skin during massage or added to the bath. It is known that at the time this method is considered the most effective and safe.

Today, with the help of nanotechnology, this method is significantly improved. Due to the high permeability nano-size materials, the amount of active ingredients is reduced to small doses over. It became possible to combine several different types of extracts to give the desired option for the particular case.

Assimilation of useful components of nanometer size through the skin eliminates the disadvantages of the traditional methods of medicine. The procedure is a tremendous savings in time and place of the whole body, is only 9 square centimeters of skin.

"One cure, another cripple"

When you take a pill or get a shot, the active substance is rapidly absorbed and excreted from the body, so in a few hours after the procedure, the medicine is finished. Moreover, the impact of chemicals on the body, such as tablets and vaccines (allopathy) is rarely selective.

These drugs are similar bomb that by destroying the enemy, and at the same time destroys all who are near.So they can not restore people's health. Another academician N.Amosov said: "Be careful not to get caught doctors, they are well treated, but no one else did not healthy."

Effective solution

The patch ( from the Greek. Emplastron - ointment ) - is the dosage form for external use, plastic mass, which softens at body temperature and stick to the skin.
Various adhesives are used in traditional medicine for a long time. But with the development of nanotechnology opens new horizons of use of such seemingly usual facilities such as plaster.
Medical plasters made ​​by nanotechnology - a modern, innovative dosage form, a simple and easy to use, allowing for quick and long-lasting therapeutic effect with no contraindications, does not require compliance with the permanent introduction of schemes in the human body.
Nanoplastyr gradually releases the active substance in the blood for long hours, while it is attached to the skin. This allows to quickly and painlessly deliver the necessary components to organ or tissue without causing adverse effects.

System of the future

Nano Patch may be used alone or in combination with other treatments. To date, health professionals and scientists around the world have realized the advantage of such a drug delivery adjuvants in the body.

They call this process of absorption, the "system of the future" . Therefore, in recent years actively developed various transdermal patches with all kinds of active ingredients, which are gaining popularity in the world of medicine.

Most of the major pharmaceutical companies are moving to the new system of transdermal deliveries, replacing them a wide variety of solid and liquid medicines.
Nano Patch ® is pleased to introduce to you one of the first transdermal patch using nanotechnology! This is a new generation product , an effective solution to the problems at the cellular level!
oduct that is far ahead of its time. It allows you to get great results in record time, 
completely eliminating side effects. The basic principle of the product - 
a delivery of nutrients to the body transdermally.